Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Greater Threat

Dick Cheney shot his lawyer in the face;
the victrm happened to apologize.
To drink with Vice spills honor on the base!
And surgeons think he won't lose both his eyes.
In lieu of politics, it's tribal war
where no dishonesty's accounted "sin".
Like autocrats have often done before,
Trump tears the heavens down, to claim a "win".
The deference Republicans bestow,
to Democrats, smells of idolatry.
However low their nominee might go,
they'll"stand" by him--is"standing's" on one's knees.
When even Cheney's playing the adult,
Americans link arms against Trump's cult.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Blood simple

Another class cut short, and still we balk
to curb this carnage in our very schools.
The lobbyists make sure we only talk
--at most--about the felons, not their tools.
The lecture halls have rows of empty chairs;
the college dorms have floors of empty beds.
Incoming freshman simply aren't there;
the entrance bar's too high, when they're long dead.
Since 'Heller', individuals claim rights
that theretofore inhered unto the States.
Scalia, ruling by his special lights,
abused our highest bench, to legislate.
With time, our whole republic comes undone;
a nation's future's picked off, one by one.

Monday, September 23, 2024

talk about Weird

 The wicked witch was eager to project
Trump's weirdness onto Tim's highschooler, Gus.
But she's the one Americans reject;
her lunchroom malice cuts no ice with us.
In minutes, Left and Right had rallied 'round.
Ann Coulter's snark went waaaay beyond the Pale.
We recognize a bully punching down; 
she stands alone, and numbers must prevail.
While Harris/Walz have trademarked 'Hope' and 'Joy'
Trump's vested in the politics of 'Fear'.
Rhetorical attacks on Walz' boy
clash crassly with high values we hold dear.
The MAGAts and associated cults
must be repudiated by adults.


Defensive, Trump reverts to what he knows:
unfounded slurs on Haitian immigrants.
A party in its last convulsive throes
prayed vainly that he'd step aside for Vance.
Police report: Ohio's pets are fine--
as long as Bobby Jr stays away.
Trump blindly parrots someone else's line;
what writers in the Kremlin wrote, he'll say.
Rhetorically, she dangled juice bait;
he scowls, and snarls, and rolls his eyes, and frowns.
And we the People must adjudicate
between the People's lawyer, and the clown.
The prosecutor smiles for all to see:
Muenchausen's poster-child, hooked on tv.

Springfield's cats

 Now, Vance concedes the story's all his own
vile fabrication to incite the Right.
Yet still expects reporters to condone
unfounded lies because he's rich, and white.
Trump's Cabinet and staff learned to attract
their boss' fleeting mental faculty:
it does not good presenting him with facts,
unless they're formatted by his TV.
Thiel raised his agent to manipulate
Trump through that ever-present tv set.
Weird acolyte, wrapped as a running-mate,
forever conscious he's in Peter's debt.
A candidate deserves to bigly lose
who can't distinguish crap like this, from news.

the slime oozing out of your TV set

FoxNews contends it's just to entertain,
and keep their loyal viewers coming back.
The crucial function's missing in Trump's brain
to tell their Punch & Judy show from fact.
"I heard it on TV!" we heard him bleat.
as if the medium imparts more weight.
Two courts have weighed the matter, and agreed:
these categories, no one should conflate.
"No reasonable viewer" could confuse
Fox infomercials for veracity.
The Murdoch  propaganda is not "news";
its expertise is in mendacity.
We join Ivanka's children's plaintive pleas:
it's time to take away their grandpa's keys.

bounded speech

The baseless libels JD Vance purveys
inciting violence in MAGA's cause,
retread a theadbare neofacist craze.
With passions so inflamed, there are no laws.
The People's lawyer calls a nation back
towards Founders' vision, 'though we're more diverse.
Reducing politics to wild attacks,
inevitaby, makes all tensions worse.
The immigrants who've built our nations strong,
are branded scapegoats time and time again.
'Though nativists think only they belong,
equality's inherent in "all Men".
Because Free Speech remains our guiding rule,
JD must be rebuffed with ridicule.