Monday, November 30, 2015

tweedle dum

Bibi and Ahmadinejad allied
to stoke the politics of fear and hate
each kept the other's voters terrified
to preserve his own power in the state
George Orwell knew a threat from overseas
could unify a polity at home
and many would give up their liberties
to cower under the PoliceState's dome
but their new president's more sane and sweet
Rouhani says we should negotiate
among the nations, Persia wants a seat
not a pariah squatting at the gate
Bibi has over-stayed his office lease
security's a lie 'til we're at peace

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Humpty Trumpty

Trump noticed years ago, we prosper more
when Democrats are running the U.S.
but still he plays the OnePercenters' whore
and taunts the hungry with wretched excess
but Trickle-Down's still voodoo as Bush knew
the rich compete at squandering vast wealth
the many starve to over-feed the few
and Hartford's making bank on our poor health
we're all advanced when weal is earned by labor
and isn't hoarded by the idle rich
who wouldn't know what hammer, saw or spade's for
and make our government their tawdry bitch
but Trump's found leverage and wants his stay
until he's bought off, he won't go away

home court

if Riyadh's pawn in Cairo's worth his salt
he'll form a league with Jordan's king Abdullah
to bring the Libyan ISIS to a halt
a saner voice than Iran's angry Mullahs'
no Shia or Christian can lead this fight
the Umma would reject such intercession
a valid Mufti's gotta judge what's right
from inside the fighters' Sunni confession
what ISIL preaches isn't true Islam
and ought to be stamped out as heresy
and ISIL's fighters, not their victims damned
by their own scholars, not by you and me
Obama's got to let the Arabs lead
in this war, that's a role for a shaheed

evitable II

the senator from WallStreet does the will
of bankers who think they ought to dictate
who gets an office on Capital Hill
to operate the levers of the State
the little people make a lot of noise
and balk when she asserts she's next in line
but she's in tight with all the good old boys
and tells them to fall in like docile kine
Bill Clinton was a lukewarm Democrat
preferring to get his policy planks
from lobbyists employed by the fatcats
and trust his smile seduces file and rank
but Hillary's not challenged from the Right
instead it Bernie bearing Freedom's light


philosophy's neglected in the States
vocational schools lure students with cash
doctors of Law and Medicine find mates
while Wisdom's acolytes are slinging hash

but in the end, one can't buy happiness
and many who are crushed beneath their things
might have found greater joy possessing less
to chase the crown of knowledge, not of kings

to balance life with work remains elusive
careers can corrode souls as well as health
a boss' regimen can be abusive
if all your efforts are merely for wealth

an unexamined life's not worth the breath
that ticks away the hours from birth to death

Saturday, November 28, 2015


the senator from WallStreet does the will
of bankers who think they ought to dictate
who fills the Congress on Capital Hill
and operates the levers of the State
the little people make a lot of noise
and balk when she asserts she's next in line
but she's in tight with all the good old boys
and tells them to fall in like docile kine
Bill Clinton was a lukewarm Democrat
preferring to get his policy planks
from lobbyists employed by the fatcats
and trust his smile seduces file and rank
but Hillary's not challenged from the Right
instead it Bernie bearing Freedom's light

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

looking forward

millenials won't pay a landline's fees
and are invisible when pollsters call
statistics can't predict what they can't see
no more than the darkside of the moon's ball

a liberated cohort's on the rise
untallied in the Parties' calculus
who aren't drinking in Fox News' lies
and have their own ideas of "them" and "us"

Fox brayed too soon Ohio had swung Red
and put McCain's campaign over the top
but it's Obama that came out ahead
and brought the Palin madness to a stop

a year's still time for flip-flops and meanders
before we get to hail president Sanders

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Levantine future

John Bolton knows that Sykes-Picot can't stand
there's no shared culture binding Syrians
a country's more than lines drawn in the sand
entrenching a dead empire's foreign sins
The U.N.'s charter proclaims Peoples' rights
to self-determine how to run their state
it's futile for Putin's army to fight
beyond al-Assad's expiration date
Good neighbors can agree to build a wall
that shelters each to grow on his own path
in ways he couldn't were all pent with all
where daily friction kindles into wrath
'til meddling from far-off powers will cease
a region steeped in blood cannot know peace

informed consent of the governed

Republican contenders trust FauxNews
as if the crap it's blaring out were facts
then act betrayed--Ohio voted Blue!
when fantasy and real world interact
the Fourth Estate betrays the public trust
in publishing what blatantly ain't so
to conjure victories up out of dust
that vanish when the tangible winds blow
perhaps the States need our own BBC
not owned by malefactors of great wealth
if we're to truly be Home of the Free
and not subverted by the Murdochs' stealth
democracy requires that we engage
to vote on issues, not just vent our rage

Monday, November 23, 2015


'Til Bernie Sanders deigns to educate
a voter-pool less bright than it is hot
they'll act not out of knowledge, but from hate
what socialism is, and what it's not

political discourse has skewed far Right
(as in America we use that word)
like Eisenhower sailed by Marx' light
'though in the wider world, that looks absurd

the wisdom to self-rule eludes us still
to make our State conform to what we want
and pen just laws that work the public will
from polls of polity that's ignorant

dismissing Plato's fear of demagogues
the Donald slings red meat as if to dogs

Sunday, November 22, 2015


to Esau, Jacob's no longer a threat
repute and wealth he's built with his own hands
so when on Jabbok's riverbank they met
they're reconciled, each claiming his own lands
it's Jacob that must wrestle in the night
becoming what he wasn't heretofore
to justify his claim to the birthright
the sequence flipped from that in which they're born
Edom surrounds himself with men-at-arms
while Jacob still does his best work in bed
instead of hunting, he tends flocks and farms
and leaves the football parties to Big Red
Vayishlach foresees each living apart
two brothers in two lands, 'though one in heart

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Big bankers lavish cash on Hillary
ignoring her campaign-year rhetoric
they trust that--if elected--she'll feel free
to guarantee that their paychecks stay thick

WalMart's director thought she'd face a Bush
whom she'd out-class by simple competence
but now, it's from the Left she feels the push
and can't triangulate or sit the fence

'cause Bernie champions what the People need
a government responsive to our will
while she's beholden to the cult of greed
as WallStreet's agent on capital hill

we need a new TR to break that trust
or capitalism will prove a bust

Thursday, November 19, 2015

dark vision

to Donald Trump, the matter's black and white
these migrants don't bring cash to buy his wares
they ought to stay in Syria and fight
or die at sea for all it seems he cares
America was built by immigrants
our universities are polyglot
but Donald calls for building a high fence
to shut out light and air and let us rot
crass demagogue, besotted with the crowd
who haven't learned the lessons of the past
they'll vote for any fool who's tall and loud
and make a hero of this braying ass
Trump's vision is of stasis and decay
the Land of Gold--cut off--withers to grey

Thursday, November 5, 2015


for baseless hatred Bes Mikdash was burned
our b'rit made void, the Land given away
but being human, we still haven't learned
contingent grant withdrawn because we stray

a thousand blossoms bloomed where now there's two
Chief Rabbinates empowered by the State
opining who's a Goy and who's a Jew
who'll tell us whom to wed, and whom to hate

Gedaliah's fast is honored in the breach
reminding us of intramural strife
Yigal Amir just did what others teach
to elevate the Land above a life

millenia of lessons taught, but spurned
and being human, we still haven't learned