the "Open Secret" Wolfson won't explain
is there for those with sitzfleisch to discern.
Vain author! treats his readers with disdain
defying them to persevere and learn.
The deuteronomistic quid pro quo
describes a world where justice pure gets done
a fiction, where perhaps we'd like to go
but manifestly foreign to this one.
The Book of Daniel innovates reward
that no one heard at Sinai where we stood
a stiff-necked people took commandment hard
expecting blessings (were we to be good).
The spark is consubstantial with the Whole;
Our God's the integral of human soul.
is there for those with sitzfleisch to discern.
Vain author! treats his readers with disdain
defying them to persevere and learn.
The deuteronomistic quid pro quo
describes a world where justice pure gets done
a fiction, where perhaps we'd like to go
but manifestly foreign to this one.
The Book of Daniel innovates reward
that no one heard at Sinai where we stood
a stiff-necked people took commandment hard
expecting blessings (were we to be good).
The spark is consubstantial with the Whole;
Our God's the integral of human soul.