Zarif could teach a Hogwart's class, or five
on how to get a price below a 'steal'
and leave the merchant grateful he's alive
and only lost his garment in the deal.
This man Trump thinks he'll out-negotiate
could sell a snowball to an Eskimo.
The egotistic fool, convinced he's great
has no idea how badly this could go.
At ease in half a dozen worldly tongues
each ambiguity's a chosen tool.
Where Trump can't finish sentences in one
a master haggler, picked on by a fool.
What madness drives this puerile orange brat
to try to scam a black-belt diplomat?
could sell a snowball to an Eskimo.
The egotistic fool, convinced he's great
has no idea how badly this could go.
At ease in half a dozen worldly tongues
each ambiguity's a chosen tool.
Where Trump can't finish sentences in one
a master haggler, picked on by a fool.
What madness drives this puerile orange brat
to try to scam a black-belt diplomat?