The doctors called it "vagal syncope"
"we're unconcerned; it's just a neural quirk
but--since you're here, we'll take an EKG
you'd better plan to take the day off work"
The ambulance ride's daunting to afford
Americans routinely come up short.
No bleeding here; the EMTs look bored.
The billing's for another day (in court).
The UniversalCare the FirstWorld's got
we're told "is not for us" because we're free.
But bankruptcy's too often free men's lot;
insurers profit on insanity.
What Truman ran on back in '48
might yet save $trillions--at some far-off date.
"we're unconcerned; it's just a neural quirk
but--since you're here, we'll take an EKG
you'd better plan to take the day off work"
The ambulance ride's daunting to afford
Americans routinely come up short.
No bleeding here; the EMTs look bored.
The billing's for another day (in court).
The UniversalCare the FirstWorld's got
we're told "is not for us" because we're free.
But bankruptcy's too often free men's lot;
insurers profit on insanity.
What Truman ran on back in '48
might yet save $trillions--at some far-off date.