Tuesday, December 31, 2019

end of an Age

Like Saruman's last mischief in the Shire,
Trump desecrates what he can't understand.
The fossil fuels he pumps into the fire
ensure catastrophes, on sea and land.
Galadriel bequeathed a wooden box

of probiotics to heal MiddleEarth
from orcs, and greed, and violence, and pox;

The Fourth Age had great omens at its birth.
But we've wrought this catastrophe ourselves
no elder race would answer if we'd call.
No Bombadil, no wizards, no high elves.

We fight alone, our backs against the wall.
This Armageddon we've made on our own
We get to save the planet all alone.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Remember macabbees who would not fight
on Shabbos; they were slaughtered as they prayed.
We celebrate their schooling on this night;
Their sons learned where distinctions must be made.
Pikuach nefesh, some mitzvot  must bend
if we're to serve the Lord another day.
Important values that we must defend
Must be prioritized in each Jew's fray.
Hasmoneans were not of David's line
and Tanaim dismissed their claim to rule.
They know it was no part of God's design
that His own Land be subject to Rome's tool.
A monarchy's a problematic thing

for Jews who'll balk at any earthly king.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


past Winter solstice comes the natal day
when commerce pauses, and the hearthfires glow
and kindred gather whereever they've strayed
and no on has an urgent place to go
we  celebrate the birthday of a son
defying length'ning shadows of the Dark
and heap our aspirations on the One
who in maturity will leave his mark
the interim lapsed in obscurity
careers embarked but eftsoon laid aside
the tale resumes when he's near thirty-three
and neighbors wonder if he'll take a bride
just when the dwindling days had seemed to stall
sir Isaac Newton cast light on us all

Saturday, December 21, 2019


clear-cutting old-growth forests of brown kelp
sea urchins mow whole eco-systems down.
I'll eat more uni ('cause I want to help)
Until sea otter numbers can rebound.
At equilibrium, there's food for all!

echinoderms proliferate quite well.
Such delicacies barely even crawl

a billion years, they've trusted spine and shell.
Tool users serve their gonads up on rice
as briny sushi with that unctuous glow

the simplest presentation, shorn of spice
sophisticated diners love their roe.

We chordates have no future on this Earth
if we won't grant these algae their due worth.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


His brother Esau's inarticulate,
while Jacob's way too clever with his tongue.
That masquerade in Edom's borrowed kit
earned twenty years of sweat, 'midst sheep and dung.
Those twenty years elapsed, and both men grew
each filled a father's and a rancher's niche.
'Though only one of them remained a Jew

each waxed content, and evidently rich.
When last they'd met, one'd threatened violence
but they're more genial than bellicose
the solemn meeting that began so tense
resolves they'll live in peace--but not live close.

They're wholly reconciled, yet dwell apart
two brothers in two lands, 'though one in heart.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

vayeshev IV

Yehudah bought his firstborn son a bride
but got no grandson to enlarge his name.
Another wedding, this groom also died

immortalized in English for his shame.
Tamar did what she must to get it done.
She saw her future in its breadth and depth.
Her fam'ly's a dead-end without a son

but men seem too consumed with fear of death.
Predictably, her father-in-law's pissed
and threatens consequences for her act.

But he'd been partner to her road-side tryst
and now, he's man enough to own the fact.
Moshiach's ancestors were deeply flawed
and when he comes, it's 'cause one played the bawd.

Monday, December 16, 2019

dysfunction vayeshev

Jake made his darling shepherd of his kin
embroidered coat for mr. fancy pants.
Great tragedies look small when they begin.
They so resented Joseph's arrogance.
Conspiracy to murder came to naught

Preempted by a passing caravan
Young Joseph's never sold, but swiftly bought
Reuven's out the value of a man.
One last deception, Jacob's left to grieve
As if a second time he'd lost his wife
His father's blessings all seem to deceive
There's not a lot of joy in Jacob's life.
But spare this family just a little while;

with time and growth, they still can reconcile.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Gantz offers Netanyahu a reprieve
and claims himself compassion's soft spotlight.
If Bibi'd demonstrate the sense to leave,
he'd snuff this endless internecine fight.
Zimbabwe pioneered the compromise
to send Mugabe back to his own farm
forgoing restitution for his lies

before he did the country still  more harm.
The classic text from Harvard/MIT
foretells this tale as if it were on rails.
Elites who fence off opportunity

will drag us back around "Why Nations Fail".
Corrupt foundations undermine the State;
what's not legitimate, cannot be great.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

big test

Two bills Pelosi sent up from the House
adjure the Senate to deliberate.

Two sparks McConnell fiercely wants to douse
before the Light of Truth can propagate.
But--in impeachment--Justice would preside

John Roberts takes the seat from the VP.
By oath, he mustn't favor any side

entrusted with the High Court's legacy.
"Two thirds" is still a daunting hill to climb;

Trump's faction keeps their thumbs firm in their ears.
If once we were to prosecute his crimes
some might vote more on ethics than on fears.
Imperfect vessels of our highest trust

could yet prove our republic's been a bust.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Balance of Power

As Alexander Hamilton explained:
a faction might refuse to see the flaw

in crimes as crass as Trumpty's in Ukraine.
They'd hold "their" president above the Law.
James Madison hoped we could dodge these snares:
A growing Union's vast diversity

could mean there's no majority clique there
to trample Justice chasing Unity.
Tripartite government should be a "stool"
to balance Palace 'gainst the People's Halls.
But institutions can't make men of fools
and Mitch McConnell seems have no balls.
Enlightenment's experiment could fail
if we don't send this orange ass to jail.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


The seat McConnell stole can't be redressed
if institutions are to stay intact.
Although a court of nine might be deemed best,
temptation's strong to see this one get packed.
Let Sanders nominate a judge (or ten)!
Pat Leahy's Senate would applaud and sign.
The Roberts Court's been short a few good men
to keep the neo-fascist wing in line...
But eight years hence, the tide could swing around
a new administration might riposte
to seat another dozen unfit clowns.
Decorum on the High Court would be toast.
No scholar would contend this was what's meant

when Senators are asked to give consent.

Parties are a bug, not a feature

What Hamilton most feared has come to pass;
one faction holds the Senate in our times
defending tribally it's arrant ass
ignoring evidence of his high crimes.
No public spirit motivates their ranks;
Each votes as Mitch McConnell says they ought.
Unswerving minions to Big Oil and Banks,
their honor has been weighed and--cheaply--bought.

Four dozen voices; scarce a single brain,
Murkowski stands alone, expressing doubt

whose interests got served in the Ukraine.
For which she's urged to "shut up" and "get out".
Appeal to Heaven's still our last resort
if Congress can't comport as fits a court.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Impeachment mechanisms are right there;
the House indicts, the Senate tries the case.
Already, Hamilton smelled factions' snare;
allegiances could shrink to just one's "base".
"Ambition must be made to counter-act..."
James Madison refused to give up hope.
Tripartite government could work in fact
(unless we'd vest high office in a dope).
But still, some failures couldn't be foreseen.
A Congress so deficient in its pride--
subservient to White House's machine
--could fail to take the sov'reign People's side.
The Framers sketched no  roadmap for this mess;
the seat McConnell stole leaves no redress.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


While Esau bedded every girl around,
their mother's apron-strings kept Jacob home.
There wasn't room for both in any town
so now, he'll seek adventure on his own.
The paths his father never got to tread,
his mother maps out in her hasty scheme.
New angels to vouchsafe the road ahead
sign in to take their posts within his dream.

Tout-suite, a boy-meets-girl scene at the well
his feisty cousin's quite the lively catch!
But Laban's unsurprised at tales he'll tell;
this adolescent trickster's met his match.
Let Edom lay to rest the old bad blood

embracing his late-blooming brother stud.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

coming out

While Esau bedded every girl around,
his brother Jacob cuddled with a book.
There wasn't room for both in any town
but Rivkah had made sure each learned to cook.
The road his father never got to tread
his mother maps out in her hasty scheme.
New angels to vouchsafe the road ahead
sign in to take their posts within his dream.

Tout-suite, a boy-meets-girl scene at the well
his cousin's manifestly a fine catch
But Laban's unsurprised at tales he'll tell;
this adolescent trickster's met his match.
Let Edom lay to rest the old bad blood

embracing his late-blooming brother stud.