Sunday, August 30, 2020


Max Weber taught: without monopoly
on violence, what you've got's not a "State".
Miskinis gave Brownshirts impunity
He wears the badge of what he'd abdicate.
Kenosha's cops demurred to play their role
to keep the peace, as contracts said they should.

So brownshirts flooded in to take control
in camos, where--before--they'd worn white hoods.

Steve Bannon's betting voters rush to blame
Joe Biden for the chaos Trump foments.

A president who weekly stokes the flames,
denies the buck stops with his government.

The "law-and-order" guy who eggs on mobs
egregiously unfit to do his job.

Falwell's downfall

The oath of Chastity at Liberty

To students is transparently a ruse

The Falwells' marriage keeps their love-life free

the student-body's their's for private use.

Endorsing TrumptyDumpty quashed the tale

that Michael Cohen meant to publicize.

For Jerry Falwell, everything's for sale,

the truth no less than any practiced lies.

A university should form adults

participating in a nation's life.

But Falwell's enterprise seems more a cult

 procuring meat to sate his cougar wife.

Humiliation's just what he enjoys,

but satisfying her needs troops of boys.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

epistemic closure II

Biologists can't win the arguments
what isn't in his Book, he just denies
your logic gets you nowhere with Mike Pence
his inner demons tell him they're all lies
contemptuous of theories and facts
serenely certain he basks in the Light
he'd dictate just how everybody acts
there's no discussion when you're always Right
with Donald's autocratic tendencies
they make a scary pair of demagogues
they'd bring the nation to its bended knees
and Civil Rights would be thrown to the dogs
for want of Bernie, Biden's gotta do
to keep a world from running down the loo


Kenosha terrorists don't hesitate;
they know Wisconsin cops have got their back.

And even if they drove from out-of-state,
the courts won't prosecute when victim's Black.
A racist cop see allies in their ranks
assuming color correlates with threat.
He safeguards capitalists, and their banks
aware his livelihood is in their debt.
The DoJ's equipped to prosecute
when States deprive their citizens of rights.
But Barr's on the wrong side of this dispute;
he doesn't see a crime, when the perp's white.
Trump's brownshirts think they're right because they're strong
and Biden's not been quick to prove them wrong.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Circus time!

Without a friend to claim that he is good,
Trump stands alone with only family
to introduce him like an ally would
if they were unafraid of perjury.
What was a Party, now is just a cult;
there'll be no platform Trump must contradict.
They've closed the ranks to shun the rare adult
like Powell, who reminds us Trump is sick.
No vision of a future strong and bright
concerns the virtual convention here.
Their audience is ardent Red and White
attuned to resonate to greed, and fear.
Trump's terrified that once he's out of power
he'll face arrest within the very hour.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

what we know

Joe Biden--quite unprompted--gave his word:
he'd veto SinglePayer if it passed
both Houses. 'Though it's patently absurd,
he's loyal to Insurers to the last.
No PublicOption scheme can fix health costs
the overhead alone dwarfs what Danes pay!
Insurers profit on each dime we've lost
and for donations, Joe does as they say.
Obama knows he took a compromise
'cause RomneyCare was all that he could get.
Joe Biden's more devout, but not as wise.
He means to honor every donor's debt.
We don't know much of what Joe means to do
Whatever it is, won't upset the Few.

Monday, August 17, 2020

new eyes

Professor Mancall faulted Madison
for being less than optimally woke.
Joe Ellis scoffs at the comparison,
applying modern standards' a poor joke.
Our Framers were exceptionally sage,
the brightest lamps of our enlightenment.
To judge them by the standards of this age
disserves a most Progressive president.
Each generation's born into its world;
a later yardstick's never gonna fit.
The interim's seen new ideas unfurled
not just technologies, but moral wit.
Times change! And ethics standards can progress--
or retrograde to Stephen Miller's mess.

Friday, August 14, 2020


Joe Biden's disinclined to prosecute
what Trumpty Dumpty and his minions wrought.
That laws were violated's, past dispute.
But any retribution would be fraught.
Zimbabwe let Mugabe go scot-free,
and paid a handsome pension to get lost.
At least, they capped his years of thievery;
no budget's meaningful with unknown costs.
But Barr attacks tripartite government,
denying Congress and the Courts their say;
he'd give all power to the President
and execute those who'd get in his way.
Sue Collin thought Trump'd learned his lesson once
but it takes more than words to school this dunce.

Monday, August 10, 2020


Joe Biden would round up the anarchists
as if their politics were now a crime.
Who else is out of bounds on his whitelist
we'll learn in dribs and drabs with passing time.
Niehmoeller warned no group can stand alone
against a State that snatches one by one.
Although their politics are not my own,
unless we unify, we're surely done.
A new Red Scare like Woodrow Wilson fed
seems out of character from what we know.
But Joe--so far--stands by the stuff he's said,
expecting us to shrug and let it go.
"Our" mainstream media give Joe a "pass".
They're rather have him, than the Orange Ass.