Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Joe Biden's ego doesn't run this show;
when Nancy phones, he jumps to take her calls.
Momentous choices: to fight on, or go,
seem easier involving fewer balls.
Abruptly, Trump's the old man left on stage
unable to complete a cogent thought,
beyond attacking someone else's age.
His donors wonder what it is they've bought.
Accelerationists, who'd love a crash
presuming Paradise awaits ahead
make common cause with those who worship cash,
and some convinced their gods would want us dead.
One party, in the hands of such adults
confronts a monster, knit from motley cults.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


Joe Biden served his term, and stepped away;
campaigning'd never been what he does best.
He'll raise the funds that underwrite the fray;
another's gonna have to do the rest.
Abruptly, Trump's the old man in this race;
he has no answer to the Harris youth.
While he can only titillate his base,
she gets to run on policy, and truth.
Time's running fast, to name a running-mate
who'll bring some delegates, but get along.
ideally, flipping a contested state
and welding back the party, doubly strong.
"a time for boldness" as Joe's writer's wrote
upending expectations for this vote.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Our Revolution

O'Brien brought it to the RNC,
like Daniel singing in the lions' den.
Indifferent to Trump's antipathy,
he won't treat corporations like real men.
The message Bernie labored to get heard
may travel further in another voice;
more crucial than the spokesman, are the words,
and how real voters understand their choice.
Two parties, each beholden to big banks
pay court to union leaders on the sly
to serve up voters in their files and ranks
as if democracy were theirs to buy.
While other speakers worship Trump's fat ass,
this Teamster champions the working class.