Monday, July 27, 2020


A Wall of veterans, 
                                  a Wall of dads
A Wall of moms
                                 drawn up in serried ranks
defend us from a government gone bad,
beholden not to citizens, but Banks.
To rally votes behind the richest few,
Trump wages urban warfare on his own.
His Brownshirts do what mercenaries do;
Fallujah gets reprised, this time at home.
He slanders moderates like Thomas Ridge,
who warned this isn't what that force is for.
When agents get strung up beneath a bridge,
he'll smirk and escalate the civil war.
"He's no conservative!" Krauthammer said;
no one of us is safe, 'til Trump lies dead.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


In riotous profusion by the trail,
their weight bears skinny branches down to earth.
In Huckleberry season, bring a pail!
Those jams are worth your life in months of dearth.
Diseases that bedeviled us through time,
attributed to deities enraged,
until the Royal Navy found the lime,
few sailors lived  to reach robust old age.
Exacerbating all, they kept pet cats
to guard their precious biscuits while at sea.
In ignorance that--unlike Man--those rats
can synthesize their own vitamin 'C'.
The summer hillside flush with fleeting wealth
Can cannily be canned for lasting health.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Inciting imminent lawless action

Inspectors General are on the case
assessing how our resources get spent.
Steve Bannon's terrified; November's race
forebodes the end for his pet president.
Inspiring panic in suburbanites
--as autocrats have long been wont to do--
won't work if citizens demur to fight
or if what they're in terror of, is you.
The Wall of Moms makes poignant video;
their yellow shirts show every spot of gore.
Americans turned off by Trumpty's show;
won't rush to underwrite a season more.
Fake 'war-time president' goes it alone;
Americans don't want a war at home.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Reichstag fire

On Tiananmen Square, tankman stood alone
we never learned his name, nor knew his fate.
America now brings oppression home
as citizens get shanghaied by "our" state.
A generation later, that fight's here
as Trump's loosed armed battalions on the crowd.
Americans ain't used to disappear
for criticising Trumpty-Dump aloud.
The "insurrection" Trump hopes to provoke
so martial law'd be somehow justified
increasingly's attractive to the folk
who see police reports get falsified.
political dissent is jailed and gagged
when fascism comes home, wrapped in our flag.

Monday, July 20, 2020


Chad Wolf deploys a mercenary force
who won't ID themselves, but let fall hints
...armed to the teeth...emotionally coarse...
the latest enterprise of Erik Prince.
The Pentagon enriched him in Iraq
an ill-got fortune grafted on his own.
But now he's brought his buccaneer boys back
to break some citizens' skulls here at home.
Wolf's jackboot thugs are taking Oregon
without insignia or names in sight.
Like Deng Xiao Peng deployed in Tiananmen
without regard for sacred legal rights.
If Trump wants citizens to just comply
he'd have sent agents of our FBI.

Fourth Turning II

The blare of Trump/Pence heralds End of Days

although it's been mis-spelled in  all our texts.
The Second Horsemen slays us with a plague;
The Wise among us shudder at what's next.

Apocalyptic fires devastate Oz,
as Bangladesh subsides beneath the waves.
Still Trumpty Dumpty doubts a human cause
and soon, there'll be no bodies left to save.

Pat Robertson swears God is in control
and sends disease to guide us on His way,
chastising bodies to refine the soul,

and when that fails, he'll blame it on the Gays.
Steve Bannon's all alone to find it "good"
we didn't prep for this one, 'though we could.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Grey-eyed Athena/
drove a spear into Ares/
Each got yellow cards

Grim Ares bellowed as the cold bronze cut
no mortal'd ever channelled so much hate.
But Diomedes pierced His perfect gut
and Pallas lent his thrust immortal weight.
The contest Eris doomed Men to contend
was underway; the House had locked in odds!
The Fates who'd spun the threads are loathe to bend;
they're senior even to the eldest gods.
His sister Aphrodite'd done her part
inciting Helen to betray her man.
'Though wars are blithely started from the heart
the victory's to him who has a plan.
Athena dotingly cares for her own;
for wise Odysseus, love waits at home.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

state terror

Trump's Homeland forces would usurp the State
as if our Tenth Amendment were not law.
Executives don't get to legislate,
but no one shows this boss his logic's flaw.
Most gun enthusiasts don't see the harm
in letting Trump's Gestapo practice ops,
but fundamentally, our right to arms
means nothing if we let these thugs play "cops".
A dirty war, reprise of Pinochet
we underwrote what seems a life ago
is revving up in Oregon today.
As citizens, we're losing all control.
Real journalists won't fall to trace the hints;
the Portland contract's held by Erik Prince.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk...

This time, it's personal; the walrus fumes
Trump wouldn't bomb Iran as he'd advised.
Retired, he's focusing on Trumpty's Doom
his notepads document a thousand lies. 
John Bolton longs for the Apocalypse
with Christ triumphantly astride the Earth.
Like Flynn, he goaded Trump, but scored a "miss";
he brings less gravitas than he does girth.
A failed Rasputin couldn't sway his Tzar
and now attempts to cut him down, instead.
But Trump and Pency-poo and William Barr
have put a price of Bolton's hoary head.
America's long nightmare has no end
as long as Barr treats Trumpty as a friend.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Montana sunrise--by the clock--dawns late;
at edges, Man's conventions droop and bend.
In Idaho, it's seven; here it's "eight"
at Mountain Time Zone's designated end.
Jules Verne found drama in the plot device
as picaresque adventures each unfurled.
Whole days get skipped, or must be lived out twice
In circumnavigating a round world.
The arbitrary twelfth part of mean Night
dissects a seamless globe by twenty-four.
A smooth Continuum, like width, or height,
Got parceled out, to every prayer, or chore.
Constructed boundaries tear worlds apart, 
but brute convention dictates where zones start.


"Bring Hobbits!" Saruman adjured his scouts
"by guile, or force, as best you may contrive"
without explaining what is all about
"but bring them now! And bring them here alive!"
The secret Sam let slip can't be allowed
this House of Cards would instantly go bust
his treachery must not be voiced aloud,
no minion in his pack deserves such trust.
No messenger came to Nan Curunir,
he's left to speculate how they'd forget.
he orc battalions that he'd held so dear
the Rohirrim had served up en brochette.
He'll find the bed he's made both strait and hard
now Fangorn wood hast marched to Isengard.