Wednesday, February 26, 2020


In Fangorn, Brego had the timbers felled
to build a fitting meadhall for his throne.
The golden roof of storied Meduseld
would gleam on wooden rafters, not Helm's stones.
Illiterate, his builders might have been
who coined no currency to spend in Dale.
They put their faith in equines, not machines
and celebrated life with lakes of ale.
Their architecture showed their good horse-sense
had not been dulled by urban fripperies.
They didn't trust in moat, or wall, or fence
to guard their brawny backs when at their ease.
Since Brego deemed one mustn't drink and ride,
Door-bars faced out, to pen his drunks inside.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Mike Bloomberg's staked a claim in Biden's lane
on old McCarthyites who live in fear
of "socialism" 'though they can't explain
just what that language seeks to mean this year.
The wafflers Buttigieg feels he should own
are still engaged as long as Joe's in play.
He's getting snappish guarding that fat bone
and Klobuchar just hasn't gone away.
The influence an Adelson can wield

among Republicans who want his funds
eludes Mike Bloomberg within this field;

they seem contemptuous of his late run.
A guy for whom the System works so well

is ill-equipped  to fix this Trumpty Hell.


Mike Bloomberg brings Big Money to the fight
like Boromir, aspiring to the Ring.
Self-reassuring that he knows what's right
But sages fear he'd make himself a king.
"Unreasonable Search" was policy
and thousands were arrested without cause
their reputations tattered recklessly
when he empowered cops to break our laws.
Jean Jacques Rousseau extolled equality
A principle the French cannot forget
without which, very few are ever free
unproven axiom, but a good bet.
False prophets chastise Bernie for his rage
But Class War's the big issue in our Age

Friday, February 21, 2020


The narrative, that strolled through "Bombadil"
now gallops through "Caradhras" and the snow
like clocks themselves must serve the author's will

it's Tolkien makes them function fast, or slow.
Abruptly stopped, the Quest seems at an end

that gate's been found but will not let them pass
'til Gandalf laughs and utters one word "friend!"
the elvish mechanism stays latched fast.
a one-way flight through inky Kazad Dum
so far from sunny high-built Rivendell
a pause to venerate old Balin's tomb
then cross the bridge where Gandalf fought, and fell.

Celestials clocks serve Hobbits, Men, and Elves
but Time's a framework we construct ourselves.

Monday, February 17, 2020

turn of the year

On winter solstice, Nine set out, put Rivendell behind
The glowing hearth, the sound of song, were banished from their minds

Strange Quest! Whose purpose was to lose a treasure (not to find)
One mage, one elf, one dwarf, two men, and four of Hobbit kind.
Tall Boromir expected crowds to cheer him on his way
and damsels vying for his glance in Samite dresses gay.
He blew a ringing trumpet-blast, a strutting cock at play
But Gandalf scowled and warned he'd take that noisy toy away.
The Morgul-blade that narrowly stopped short before it's mark
spared Frodo, and he'd healed in time, in Elrond's verdant park.
'Though only Bill went cheerfully, as if it were a lark,
they left at dusk and stealthily pressed Southward in the dark.
Through Kazad Dum, through vernal Wood, through snow and fetid mire,

beyond all hope, they cast the ruling Ring into the Fire.

glorious Summer

Midsummer day, the Lady Arwen wed
To Aragorn, who'd waited all his life.
'Though all his cohort passed and long lie dead,
he's in his prime to take his high-born wife.
Earendil's  two lines  conjoin again
like Luthien took Beren long ago
as elvish lords, and kings of mortal men
rejoice in victory's soft afterglow.
One Age has passed, one Age begins with cheers.
'Though much of ancient grandeur most now fade
the wedding turns our minds to coming years
as genes and memes march down the long parade.
The narrative turns a portentous bend
but more remains to tell, before book's end.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


At equinox, he left the Riddermark
on Shadowfax to hasten Frodo's way.
'Though Saruman'd gone wholly to the Dark,
some puissant allies still defied his sway.
While Mithrandir sought counsel with the Wise,
four hobbits took the parlous road to Bree,
where Aragorn--still in his Ranger's guise--
was welcomed to their growing Company.
One elf, one dwarf, plus Boromir the Tall,
at Imladris, at nobody's behest
responded to a Higher Power's call
to make the Nine entrusted with the Quest.
Such links we forge in times of mortal strife
lend joy and purpose in this fleeting life.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


The media hand Buttigieg a "win"
for coming second at New Hampshire's polls
forsaking journalism; to ply spin
Orwellian corruption of their role.
'Though Sanders--who came first--deserves the bump
that's unacknowledged in the bogus news.
They're rather throw the whole campaign to Trump
than give full citizenship rights to Jews.
And Klobuchar, who flubbed her own mid-west
is hailed like in some other world, she'd won.
As if one fourth, one third, made her the best
ignoring what her stronger rivals'd done.
Democracy's the wrong word for our mess
when we can't trust the ethics of "our" Press

Friday, February 7, 2020


In Iowa, Joe Biden didn't place
first, second, third...a sonambulist's show.
If it's a harbinger of the whole race
the nominee will not be sleepy  Joe.
Plurality deemed Bernie the best man
to serve the People as Our head of state.
A lot still look to Warren and her plan
to--incrementally--make us more great.
But mayor Pete was quick to claim he'd "won"

before the votes were tallied, verified
when cavassing was barely halfway done--
as if he'd got the story from inside.
Debacle supercedes catastrophe

until we overthrow this DNC

for lack of values

Bill Clinton executed a slick coup
betraying Labor to play Bankers' whore
No worker's had a chance since '92
Financiers own the field in this Class War.
What Management has captured won't swing back
by meekly voting-in the party slate.
Pretending rights are not under attack,
we give the few ten times their proper weight.
Milt Friedman's underlying fallacy
mistook stock-price for what an asset's worth.

Four decades on, this arrant lunacy
seems bent selling off all on life on Earth.
Two parties in the thrall if too-big Banks
ill-serve the People in our files, and ranks.


The media were eager to give Pete
the win in Iowa, 'though questions mount.
Portraying him the leading man to beat--
if you'd just turn a blind eye to the count.
Plurality deem Bernie is the man

who'd serve the People as our head of state.
While many look to Warren and her plan
to make us--incrementally--more great.

But mayor Pete was quick to crow he'd "won"
before the count was in and verified,
when canvassing was only halfway done
as if he'd got his story from inside.
Debacle supercedes catastrophe
until we overthrow this DNC.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

"...shall preside..."

Chief Justice Roberts hopes we'll disregard
his role presiding in this travesty.
to reconcile the Senate Rules is hard
with what judicial process ought to be.
Two dozen lawyers heard no evidence
as if to do so were a waste of time.
They're disinclined to trade Trump in for Pence
although 'twere fitting for his spree of crime.
No check, no balance holds the Donald's rein
psychiatrists attest he's run amok.
But even when our president's insane
it's plain McConnell doesn't give a fuck.
Enlightenment's experiment's a fail
if we can't send this criminal to jail.


Chief Justice Roberts doesn't want to rule
on what's admissible, and must be heard.
Each side portrays him as the other's tool

although that notion's patently absurd.
The Senate gelds itself, as if to check
Executives were not its sacred writ.
A despot's boot on our collective neck

grinds voters' faces in a world of shit.
Tripartite government bears the attacks

as week by week, what had been bad gets worse.
What Caesar seizes, he ain't giving back
and Trumpty craves the Power of the Purse.
A Unified Executive's the thing
our Founders fought to rid us of a king.