Saturday, February 4, 2017

intramural III

"I don't report to you" John Kelly grumped
and Bannon put him on his little list
for not kow-towing to the will of Trump
and now, we'll see who wields the bigger fist
with Tillerson and Mattis at his back
the case for Kelly's legally quite strong
but Bannon's dog-pack's eager to attack
and Conway doesn't care her "facts" are wrong
a struggle no one's likely to forget
like Andrew Jackson's many years before
the ego clashes in this cabinet
could escalate into a big-league war
the 25th amendment's looking good
once Pence determines Donald Trump's unfit
to organize the putsch he knows he should
to salvage our republic from this shit
my bet's on Kelly when it comes to  knives
each day he waits could cost a lot of lives


  1. not properly a "sonnet" (should have three quartains and one capping couplet) but I'm not that orthodox.

    To judge by their confirmation hearings, Tillerson and Mattis are adults intent on doing their best for the country. I have no opinion of Kelly.
    It may come to Tillerson and Mattis shepherding a 25th amendment process through our Congress. That would make Pence the POTUS. He's a young-earth creationist Christian dominionist who is hostile to women's rights, to labor rights, and to the enlightenment. But for all that, the's less scary than Trump. The damage a president Pence would do to our republic and to our planet would mostly be reversible, and many in Congress are figuring that out.

  2. Thanks. That seems a good guess of what might happen.
